Future Technology

I'm mostly excited about how advanced technology will become. Not too long ago, we didn't have television. Now it can be in HD. I would like to see what the future will bring next. But I'm also concerned about how powerful it will become. If someone has very advanced technology, where will that leave everyone else? Maybe other countries will have more advanced technology, leaving other countries vulnerable. Technology may be too advanced for us to handle and something could go wrong. Technology might be so advanced that it will cause people to be more lazy. The more advanced technology becomes, the less people have to do. When tv first came out, you had to get up, walk to it and change the channel. Now, you don't even have to leave your seat.

Nuclear Weapons

In the long run, it is beneficial for a country to have weapons. It is mostly used for protection. Otherwise, it is like waiting to die, if all the other countries have them. It is like the average household having a gun in case of an intruder. Most likely, the intruder will have a weapon, so it is natural to take necessary precautions. You don't want anyone to know that you're unarmed. If they do, they will take their chances. You also, don't want them to think that you're too well armed. They will consider you a threat and try to gang up on you. They may get help from other countries to take down another country.

Designer Babies

Designer babies are ethical depending on the reason. I believe it is ethical for a couple, if for some reason they can't have babies or to prevent disease. Also, people can adopt. I would prefer people to adopt because many kids want a home and family to love them. Also, you have to pay a lot of money for a designer baby. It seems wrong to put a price on a baby. Some people may sue if they don't get their idea of the 'perfect' baby. That's like treating the baby as if it was a product. The baby doesn't get a choice in the matter. For example, maybe it would prefer to have green eyes instead of blue. The only real good reason for designer babies, is to prevent disease, disadvantages, or something that will hold them back.

Video Games

Depending on how much a person plays video games, it can produce issues. Some games educate and some make you exercise. It is an issue if the person is constantly playing. It may effect a person's personality. I don't think violent games should be produced because what is the point? They may see something on a game that will make them see a different view about the world. How is a person playing a violent game suppose to feel? If someone plays a game for too long, it could effect their eyes. It could also give them headaches or feel motion sickness. (My mom feels sick after seeing my dad drag race on the game) When little kids play violent games, they will act violent to others. That will later cause problems. So, there are limitations to video games as well.

Social Networking

Social Networking can be a problem. There are limitations to what you can do. As long as your careful, it wont cause any harm. In my opinion, it causes more harm than fun. Many people have been violated due to social networking. It's up to the user and the parents (if they are young) to set limitations. It should be supervised. Many people forget how to spell because maybe they will text and they want to shorten their letter. People act differently on the web. Most people act 'cooler' than they would in reality.